Pluralistic Perspectives

Pluralistic Perspectives Jewish Memory Week: A Tale in Three Parts

The memory of the Holocaust today is vulnerable. Between the Diaspora and Israel...

Community Blog Community Day: Interfaith Learning on the Hill

Last week I attended the Andover Newton and Hebrew College Joint Community Day. ...

Community Blog Community Day: Interfaith Learning on the Hill

Last week I attended the Andover Newton and Hebrew College Joint Community Day. ...

Leviticus Situating God: Revisiting Vayikra

Opening the new biblical book Vayikra, Leviticus, likewise opens a new chapter i...

Community Blog One Voice Followed By A Symphony

The following exchange between a student (Peter S.) and one of his instructors (...

Community Blog Who is Wise? One Who Learns from All People (Ethics of the Fathers, Pirkei Avot 4:1)

The ancient city of Zippori unfolded before our eyes. It is located in the heart...