Hebrew College will be closed July 4-5 for Independence Day.

Pluralistic Perspectives

Holidays Matanot L’Evyonim – Giving and Receiving on Purim

Adar is here! Purim, with all its joy and merriment, is on its way.   As someo...

Pluralistic Perspectives Is Law a Kind of Love?

In an implicit polemic against Judaism, some strands of Christian theology sugge...

Exodus Religion and the Enemy

Common wisdom has it that much violence in the world is driven by religious pass...

Pluralistic Perspectives In the Name of God: The Possibility of Passion and Tolerance

And God spoke to Moses and said to him: “I am the LORD. I appeared to Abraham,...

Exodus These Are My Names

When my husband and I made aliyah last August, I was looking forward to bringing...

Genesis I and I

Jacob’s struggle in this week’s Torah portion is framed by revelatio...