Pluralistic Perspectives

Monica Gomery

Leviticus Calling Out and Coming Close

Parshat Vayikra (Leviticus 1:1-5:26) In Hebrew, the book of Leviticus is named f...

Rabbi Sharon Cohen Anisfeld 70 Faces of Torah banner

Pluralistic Perspectives Speaking Torah:
Generosity of heart

Note: This message was originally distributed on March. 22, 2017 to the Hebrew C...

Exodus The Portable God Box (Parshat Vayakhel-Pekudei, Exodus 35:1-40:38)

I’m hesitant to admit it, but I didn’t grow up camping. I’d like for other...

Rabbi Avi Strausberg

Exodus The Portable God Box

Parshat Vayakhel-Pekudei (Exodus 35:1-40:38) I’m hesitant to admit it, but I d...

Humans of Hebrew College Living Torah

“As the grandchild of three Holocaust survivors, the affirmation of ‘...

Community Blog Torah Godly Play

How do we help nurture the innate sense of God in our children? This was the que...