Hebrew College will be closed July 4-5 for Independence Day.

Pluralistic Perspectives

Community Blog Speaking Torah: Amidst fragments of shattered hope, of love betrayed, of broken promises, we ask the question: What went wrong?

This reflection is an excerpt from the Hebrew College High Holiday Companion, to...

Numbers Covering of the Land (Parashat Balak: Numbers 22:2-25:9)

Parashat Balak opens with a fearful king dreading the arrival of the Israelite d...

Numbers Covering of the Land (Parashat Balak: Numbers 22:2-25:9)

Parashat Balak opens with a fearful king dreading the arrival of the Israelite d...

Pluralistic Perspectives The Dual Nature of Shofar

This reflection is an excerpt from the Hebrew College High Holiday Companion, pu...

Numbers Pushing On Through the Wilderness

Parashat Chukkat, Numbers 19:1-22:1 It has become a cliché that in life, we sho...

Rabbi Adina Allen

Numbers The Blossoming of the Beloved Community

Parshat Korach, Numbers 16:1-18:32 As this week’s parsha begins, Korach—alon...