Hebrew College will be closed July 4-5 for Independence Day.

Community Blog

Community Blog President Daniel Lehmann to Step Down

LETTER FROM THE PRESIDENT July 11, 2017 Dear Hebrew College Community, After nin...

Community Blog Speaking Torah: Amidst fragments of shattered hope, of love betrayed, of broken promises, we ask the question: What went wrong?

This reflection is an excerpt from the Hebrew College High Holiday Companion, to...

Rabbi Sharon-Cohen-Anisfeld

Community Blog Speaking Torah: Our deepest service in this world flows from the awareness of, and attention to, what we lack and how we love

Every individual is a small world unto himself… No person has ever been identi...

Rachel Adelman

Community Blog If Only All God’s People Were Prophets!

Parashat B’ha’alot’cha, Numbers 8:1-12:16 The Israelites journeyed through...

Community Blog ”A reflection from the Hebrew College 2017 Israel seminar

“When I marched in Selma, I felt my legs were praying” — Rabbi Abraham Jos...

Community Blog Commencement Address 2017

President Lehmann, members of the Board, honored guests, faculty colleagues, alu...