Community BlogTraveling with Prozdor
Back From Israel!
In late February, a group of Prozdor students spent 10 unforgettable days in Israel. We started the trip by celebrating Shabbat in Jerusalem. We took a late night walk to the Western Wall, explored different neighborhoods of the city, and caught a glimpse of the vibrant nightlife on Ben Yehuda Street. From there, we traveled up to Haifa for a week-long exchange with The Hebrew Reali School. Our students stayed with host families throughout the week as we adventured throughout the north of Israel. We hiked along the slopes of Mt Gilboa, toured the bustling city of Tel Aviv, explored the ancient markets of Acco, and burrowed through the tunnels at Beit Shearim. At the end of our journey, our students were sad to leave the country and to say goodbye to our host families. The goodbye was semisweet however, as we are looking forward to hosting the group of students from Reali at the end of the month! If you are interested in hosting, we still have a few spots available; please be in touch with Noah Steinhardt at
Students from Prozdor and the The Hebrew Reali School in Jaffa
Just Us And 16,000 Of Our Best Friends
Last week, Prozdor sent a group of delegates to the AIPAC Policy Conference in Washington D.C. The 16,000-person conference is the largest gathering of America’s pro-Israel community. We heard from American and Israeli leaders, saw demonstrations of groundbreaking Israeli innovation, and participated in intimate educational sessions. It was the largest student delegation in AIPAC’s history with over 2,300 attending. The conference culminated in a trip to Capitol Hill where the Prozdor students met with Representative Joseph Kennedy of the Massachusetts’ fourth congressional district.
The Prozdor delgates at the AIPAC National Policy Conference
Spring Break With Prozdor
Civil Rights Journey to the South (10th and 11th grade)
Join us for six incredible days traveling throughout the South, experiencing and learning about how young Americans (including some rad Jews) helped create justice! Dates of the trip:April 20-26
Spring Break Service Trip to Brooklyn (8th and 9th Grade)
Join Prozdor and TELEM for an incredible experience rebuilding homes devastated by Hurricane Sandy, experiencing Jewish New York City, and making the world a better place! Dates of the trip: April 19th-23rd