
News Highlights“Greening Judaism” Grant to Survey Eco Kashrut and Climate Science

Community Blog Are we Off Topic?

Five sets of parents sat around the stylish South End living room, all very comf...

Rabbinical School Divrei Torah Getting to Fifty: Some texts evoking thoughts about Shavu’ot as the day following the 49th day

Introduction Shavo’ut is unique among the biblical pilgrimage holidays in that...

Community Blog Interfaith Families Jewish Engagement

Keren McGinity, Ph.D., director of the new  Interfaith Families Jewish Engagem...

Community Blog Chores for Shabbat

This fall, my husband and I participated in Parenting Through a Jewish Lens (PT...

Community Blog Royal Costumes: Purim and Identity Formation

 What are some of the best Purim costumes you’ve ever worn? What do you think...

Community Blog Judge Garland and Jewish Identity

Yesterday President Obama nominated Judge Merrick Garland to be the next Suprem...