
News HighlightsRabbi Grey Myrseth`17 & GatherBay featured in EJewish Philanthropy

Community Blog Thirty Year Cantor

Dan Nesson’s journey to Hebrew College’s cantorial ordination program began ...

Community Blog New Rabbinical School-Pardes Institute Partnership

Longtime partners Hebrew College and Pardes Institute of Jewish Studies will, fo...

Community Blog Why Eser Wants to Hear Your Story

Whenever I meet someone for coffee, whether personally or professionally, I alwa...

Community Blog Hebrew College is Coming to a Community Near You

Each semester, Hebrew College faculty go beyond our classrooms to bring compelli...

Humans of Hebrew College Pittsburgh as a Catalyst for Conversion

“This past Thanksgiving weekend, I took a deep breath, received a reassuri...

Community Blog Educating a Global Jewish Landscape

Hazzan Diego Edelberg earned his Master’s of Jewish Education (MJEd) from Hebr...