September 08, 2024 Musician/Composer/Paytan Roni Ish-Ran In Residence: Concert, Workshops, and Prayer for the Month of Elul

  • Date
  • time Eastern Time
  • location Hebrew College
    1860 Washington Street
    Newton, MA 02466
  • cost $5, $18, $36; Free for HC students and faculty
  • organizer Hebrew College
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September Soul Sounds Concert, Learning, and Prayer

In September, join us for three exciting programs with Hazan/Paytan Roni Ish-Ran, during his residency at Hebrew College.

  • DATE CHANGE! Sunday, Sept. 8: Join us for a Soul Sounds concert with Roni Ish-Ran & Friends
  • Sept. 4 & 11: Participate in workshops on the music and language of Selihot with Roni Ish-Ran
  • Sept. 4, 5, 9, 10, 11, 12: Pray with the Hebrew College community as Roni Ish-Ran leads Sephardic Selihot services during the first two weeks of Elul.

roni ish-ranMusician, paytan, and composer Roni Ish-Ran grew up steeped in the music of Syrian, Turkish, and Sephardi-Yerushalmi synagogues of Jerusalem. He received his degree from the Rubin Academy of Music in Jerusalem, in Arabic music. He is the founder and music director of Ensemble Shaharit, a group of paytanim bringing traditional Mizrahi prayer music into the present moment. He composes liturgical and instrumental music. He has written academic papers on Maqam and Piyut, and a curriculum for the Open University, titled: “Performance in Arabic Music as a Creative Process.” He is a beloved teacher and master of piyyut, with students all over the world, and a sought- after musical director for concerts throughout Israel.

HC Community Selihot Services (beginning Rosh Hodesh Elul) with Hazan/Paytan Roni Ish-Ran
September 4, 5, 9, 10, 11, 12 at 7 a.m. | Hebrew College Mascott Beit Midrash

Awake! When Elul comes, it’s time to wake up. Join the Hebrew College community to sing, pray and ask for forgiveness at Selihot services.

The Heart of Selihot with Hazan/Paytan Roni Ish-Ran
Workshops: September 4 & 11 | 3-5 p.m.
Hebrew College students: Free
Non-Hebrew College students $18 |  General public $36

Begin your High Holy Day preparation with Hebrew College. Study the music and text of the Sephardi-Yerushalmi Selihot service with Jerusalem-based master musician and teacher, Roni Ish-Ran, and faculty of Hebrew College Rabbinical School. Join us for one session or all three. Free for Hebrew College students & faculty; $18 for students (non-Hebrew College); $36 for general public.

Sept. 4: Study with Rabbi Allan Lehmann
Sept. 11: Study with Rav Rachel Adelman

Register: Click here
Hebrew College students: Sign up via this Google form.


Sounds of Awe: A Concert for Elul with Hazan/Paytan Roni Ish-Ran and Friends
Date: Sunuday, September 8, 2024
Pre-concert: Light refreshments 6:30 p.m.
Concert: 7 p.m.
Tickets: $5, $18, $36;
Hebrew College students and faculty: Free. Please email to make your reservation.

Join us for our first Soul Sounds concert of the academic year. One of the greatest living interpreters of Syrian, Turkish, and Sephardi-Yerushalmi piyyutim, musician Roni Ish-Ran will lead us into the High Holy Days with music and prayer from Jerusalem. This concert will also feature Yoni Battat, Anat Halevy Hochberg, Rabbi Arielle Lekah-Rosenberg `17, Fabio Pirozzolo, and Hebrew College Rosh Tefilah & Artist-in-Residence Rabbi Jessica Kate Meyer `14.

Thank you to our Soul Sounds Series organizational partners: Base Boston, Jewish Arts Collaborative, Temple Beth Zion,  and Temple Reyim.

yoni-battatYoni Avi Battat (he/him) brings Arab music into the soundscape of American Jewish life through composition, education, prayer, and performance on viola, violin, oud, and vocals. Described as “an education for the ear and the soul,” his debut album Fragments seeks to find new pathways to connect with ancestry and find healing around our fragmented identities. Yoni’s newest project is Kedmah: The Rising Song Piyyut Project, which preserves and reimagines traditional repertoire for Syria, Iraq, Jerusalem, Turkey, Yemen, and Morocco. Their first album, Simu Lev, was released on Rising Song Records in Spring, 2024. From 2021-2022 Yoni toured nationally as an actor and violinist with the Tony Award-winning musical, “The Band’s Visit.” Yoni lives in Boston, MA, working locally and nationally to uplift Mizrahi identity in American Jewish communities.

Anat-HochbergAnat Halevy Hochberg (she/her) is a musician, teacher, and ritual leader based in Boston. Her passions include leading song, empowering others to raise their voices, and working to reclaim the Yemenite melodies of her heritage. She has taught and led ritual at Eden Village Camp, Let My People Sing!, Hadar’s Rising Song Intensive, and Linke Fligl. She co-produced Tishrei: the end is the beginning and Elul: Songs for Turning, and her debut album How can I keep (from) singing? was released in 2020. Learn more about her work at

arielle-lekachRabbi Arielle Lekach-Rosenberg`17 serves as the lead rabbi of Shir Tikvah, a justice-seeking, song-filled congregation in South Minneapolis. She was ordained by the Rabbinical School of Hebrew College in June 2017. She has worked as a community organizer, Jewish educator and accordion busker. She trained as a full-time rabbinic fellow at B’nai Jeshurun in New York City.

Rabbi Arielle is a classically trained singer, an accordion aficionado, and a student and performer of piyutim. She is a former Rising Song Fellow and a Clergy Leadership Incubator Fellow. She performs, leads tefilah and teaches around the country, and treasures chances to cultivate songful spaces in the Twin Cities.

jessica kate meyerRabbi Jessica Kate Meyer `14, Hebrew College Rosh Tefillah & Artist-in-Residence, is a prayer leader, storyteller, vocalist, and rabbi, who served as rabbi-hazzan at Romemu in NYC, and most recently, at The Kitchen in San Francisco. She has studied sacred Jewish music with masters from Ashkenazi and Mizrahi traditions and has performed as a vocalist with ensembles in the United States and Israel. In a previous life, Jessica appeared in film, theater, and television projects in Europe and the United States: most notably, as a principal role in the Oscar-winning film, The Pianist.

fabio-pirozzoloFabio Pirozzolo is an Italian drummer, multi-percussionist and singer currently based in Boston, Massachusetts. Originally from Terracina, Italy, he started his career as a folk percussionist, playing Italian frame drums tamburello and tammorra, in one of the most famous folk groups in his area. Fabio performs in virtually any genre of music from jazz to world music to rock. He’s the co-founder of the world music ensembles Sawaari and Grand Fatilla and Italian folk music ensemble Newpoli. Fabio is currently the drummer for Vanessa Trien and The Jumping Monkeys and the Union United Methodist Church Band. He’s also the percussionist for Revma Greek Ensemble and Musaner. He taught master classes at Berklee, Harvard and Tufts University.



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