Shalom Bayit on Shabbat: Parenting Through a Jewish Lens Family Activities

Join Hebrew College’s Parenting Through a Jewish Lens on Zoom for free family activities at 10:30 am on Friday, May 1, and Friday, May 8. 

Shalom Bayit on Shh… Shh… Shabbat: Family Storytime with children’s book author and Boston native Linda Elovitz Marshall
Friday, May 1, 10:30 am

Children’s book author and Boston native Linda Elovitz Marshall will read from two of her books, Shh… Shh… Shabbat and Shalom Bayit: A Peaceful Home and share some kid-friendly art activities related to the books to build peace, joy, and shalom bayit — or domestic harmony — in your home during these complicated times.

Mobiles and Mandalas for Shabbat: Family Art Time with Boston Artist Tova Speter
Friday, May 8, 10:30 am

Boston artist Tova Speter will lead us in an art project to add peace, joy, and shalom bayit — or domestic harmony — in your home during these complicated times. She will also share a second activity for you to do with your family on Shabbat as a way to add some calm to the chaos. The art projects will be inspired by two books by children’s book author and Boston native Linda Elovitz Marshall, Shh… Shh… Shabbat and Shalom Bayit: A Peaceful Home.

Note: this workshop is for all ages and requires minimal materials, all of which you can find around your house.

paper plate
washable markers
scissors (for parents only)
paint brush
cup of water
paper towel
pencil or sharpie
piece of string/yarn to hang
printed pdf template (if you don’t have a paper plate, you can use this instead)




Meeting ID: 876 888 7172
Password: PTJL