IT Agreement
Hebrew College Acceptable Use of Information Technology Resources
Information Technology resources are provided to Hebrew College faculty, staff and students as tools to facilitate the educational mission and business activities of the College. It is the responsibility of each employee and student to ensure that these resources are used for proper business purposes, and in a way that does not compromise the confidentiality of proprietary or other sensitive information. The IT resources covered include (but may not be limited to) computers (desktops, laptops, servers), software, internet access (including wireless), and telephone service. This policy applies to all Hebrew College students and employees (whether faculty, staff, student worker, or contractor) who are given access to such resources. Compliance with this policy is a condition of (continued) employment by Hebrew College.
The use of these resources is a privilege, not a right of membership in the Hebrew College community, and is nontransferable. It is intended solely for the administrative and educational purposes of the community. These privileges are only made available to matriculating students registered for Hebrew College courses, faculty and staff. Public Internet access for research purposes is also available in the library.
State and Federal laws as well as Hebrew College’s own official school policies govern use of the school’s computing resources. In instances where data is transferred across the Internet or other networks, users are advised that acceptable use policies of those other networks may limit usage.
Hebrew College reserves the right to change its usage policy and procedures at any time, including setting limits or prohibiting access. Hebrew College’s computer services are administered by the Information Technology Department under the direction of Vice President for Finance and Administration.
Hebrew College Information Technology Department Policies and Procedures
All email correspondence is the property of Hebrew College. Email messages sent over the internet cannot be considered private or secure. The college reserves the right to access employee/student email when necessary either for legitimate business needs or to resolve a technical problem. | |
Protecting confidential information | Employees and students are expected to protect any confidential information to which they have access. In particular:
* Logins, passwords, and security PIN’s are not to be shared with anyone |
Internet use | Access to the internet is provided for college business use only. All employees and students are expected to limit personal use of internet and email to a reasonable level that does not interfere with business needs and normal operations. Please note that using the Hebrew College wireless connection can also affect the normal use of the College’s system. Any unauthorized use of the Internet is strictly prohibited. Unauthorized use includes, but is not limited to:
* connecting to, posting, or download pornographic material; |
Software | Software is installed and maintained in accordance with the College’s software licenses, for the business needs of the College. Employees and students may not install software on Hebrew College computers without the express written permission of the IT Department. Employees and students also may not uninstall software that was installed by the IT department. |
Personal data | The College makes every effort to maintain, backup and secure all data needed for business purposes. However, the College bears no responsibility to maintain, backup, or secure any personal data that employees or students may have on their computers’ hard drives. Such personal files (including any digital music files) are the sole responsibility of the employee or student, and may not take up more than 10MB of space per person. |
Support of staff or student owned computers | The College does not have the resources to support or troubleshoot problems employees or students may have with their personally-owned computers. There are many repair options outside the College that employees and students can use. Similarly, software that is provided for use on College computers is generally NOT available for use on employees’ or students’ personal home computers. |
By digitally signing below, I accept these obligations and agree to abide by them. Violations of this policy may result in the loss of computing privileges, probation, suspension and/or dismissal from the College’s employ.