Hebrew College Clergy Alumni Association

Welcome to the HCCAA!

After Hebrew College Cantorial or Rabbinic Ordination, clergy are part of the Hebrew College Clergy Alumni Association (HCCAA).

Being a member of the association grants you continued access to important Hebrew College tools such as:

  • JAFTER and alumni listservs
  • Open job listings
  • Support from Hebrew College faculty and staff
  • Access to alumni programing and professional development
    and more!


Annual dues are $2.00 for every $1,000 of your clergy income (to calculate, simply take your income and multiply by .002). For example, if your clergy income is $80,000, your annual dues are $160. If you pay dues to another rabbinical or cantorial association (like the CCAR, RA, RRA, OHALAH, or CA), your dues for the association are just $36.

If you have any questions about your current standing in the association, please email our Treasurer Jeri Robins at jnrobins61@gmail.com. Thank you!