Sponsor a Day of Learning at the Hebrew College
Beit Midrash

Whether you are celebrating a milestone, recognizing someone important in your life, or honoring the memory of someone who has passed away, we invite you to sponsor a Day of Learning at our Beit Midrash (House of Study) in their honor.

Sponsorship opportunities include:

  • Sponsor a day for $360
  • Sponsor a week for $1,800
Gita Karasov, Rabbinical student

I love that the life and the soul and the pulse of the
Rabbinical School lives in the Beit Midrash.

The Beit Midrash is the center of the Hebrew College Rabbinical School experience. Each morning, students gather there to study, analyze, and probe our sacred texts. The learning in the Beit Midrash happens in chevruta (study partnerships) – the traditional mode of Jewish learning in which two partners read text together, grapple with the meaning, sharpen perspectives, and gently push to reach for deeper layers of understanding.

At Hebrew College, we believe that this traditional model of engagement with our sacred texts, refined over thousands of years of practice, is as relevant today as ever. It provides the necessary background for rabbis to be at the forefront of creating new answers to the challenges we face in the world. We believe deeply in marrying the old with the new, tradition with creativity, seriousness of purpose with joy.

We invite you to sponsor a day in the Beit Midrash. We welcome you to come and visit, sit with our students, and engage with them as they explore and challenge tradition and each other. As the day’s sponsor, you very directly contribute to the learning and the growth taking place in the Beit Midrash – quite literally enabling the sacred work of that day.

If you wish to join us on the day you sponsor, we begin at 9:00 a.m., with an announcement and introduction of the sponsor and a word about the milestone or person being honored.

Students then honor the sponsor by having this intention as they study. The sponsor of the day is also recognized on the Rabbinical School’s website. If the sponsorship is in memory of a loved one, we would be honored to say Kaddish in their memory during morning services which take place before study.

Todah! (Thank you!)

Need more information?

Please contact Rabbi Dan Judson, Dean of the Rabbinical School.