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February 27, 2023 A Celebration of Learning with Rabbi Toba Spitzer discussing God is Here

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  • Date
  • time Eastern Time
  • location Zoom
  • cost Free
  • organizer Hebrew College
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God is Here book coverLet’s celebrate Jewish learning together! Our Hebrew College community of learners will come together on Monday evening, February 27 at 7:30 pm on Zoom with Rabbi Toba Spitzer for a reading and conversation about her new book God Is Here: Reimagining the DivineGod is Here explores how metaphor shapes our experience of the divine. With a rich palette of metaphors from Jewish tradition, seekers and doubters alike can begin to understand and access the sacred in new and powerful ways.

Rabbi Spitzer’s talk is sponsored by Hebrew College Adult Learning. To see other learning opportunities please visit our brand-new Adult Learning Catalog.

About the Author

toba-spitzerRabbi Toba Spitzer has served Congregation Dorshei Tzedek in West Newton since 1997. She is a past president of the Massachusetts Board of Rabbis, and the co-chair of the Massachusetts chapter of T’ruah: The Rabbinic Call for Human Rights. She is a popular teacher and writer on a wide variety of topics, including new approaches to Jewish theology, the sacred use of money in our everyday lives, and changing the conversation around Israel-Palestine. More information about Rabbi Spitzer and God Is Here is available at

Purchase the book at the event or online here.