April 29, 2021 Bathing in Resplendence:
A Breath Lab Full Moon Workshop

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  • Date
  • time Eastern Time
  • location Online
  • cost Free and open to the public
  • organizer Breath Lab at Hebrew College
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From our first taste of freedom on Passover to receiving the gift of Torah on Shavuot, seven weeks later, there is a practice of counting these 49 days, linking us with our Biblical ancestors as they journeyed from the Sea of Reeds to Mount Sinai. This is known as the Counting of the Omer. In the Kabbalastic mystical tradition, each of these days corresponds to a divine aspect of God to contemplate for spiritual growth and cleansing. In this workshop, we will explore the particular emanation of Hod sh’beHod,* or humility within humility, by way of text, song, accessible movement, and ritual.

>> View the flyer

Join us as we explore this emanation with curiosity and kindness to make space for greater resplendency, groundedness, and love.

* This day is also Lag B’Omer, a festival day celebrating a variety of historical events, and bringing with it extra light, buzz, and aliveness.


About Batya

batya-ellinoyBatya Ellinoy is currently in her fourth of five years of rabbinical school at Hebrew College. Her background in experiential education, trauma healing, dance, embodied spirituality, and sustainable community activism have led her to see and participate in the journey of Judaism with unique and holistic perspectives. Batya originally hails from Monterey, CA, and loves learning from people of all ages, trees, other spiritual traditions, and astrophysics.

About Breath Lab

Breath Lab, a center for Jewish embodiment, is a project of RUACH. RUACH nurtures creative, traditionally rooted Jewish practice, and is a member of Hebrew College’s planned new campus.