Eser Select Registration

Summer 2019 Classes:

Join us this summer on your #JewishJourney. Eser Select offers 6-8-week learning experiences that give you a forum to converse about issues that matter to you, to connect with other young adults, and to create community.

Please note that some of the logistics (location, dates, etc.) of these classes may change prior to the first class. Registered participants will be notified of any changes, should they occur. Also, check back, as we’ll be posting additional classes soon!

En-ritual-ing Shabbat–FULL

In this six-week class, we’ll will explore the various rituals that are found within Shabbat. We’ll dive deep into the hidden meanings behind sacred acts such as candle lighting, kiddush (blessing on the wine), and even the extra soul that one receives on shabbat. We’ll create an inclusive and warm environment that allows participants to feel like their authentic Jewish selves while reaching beyond their comfort zones, and our time together will conclude with a communal shabbat dinner, in which we will put our sessions’ learning to action while experiencing the beauty of shabbat together. Participants will leave the experience feeling prepared and confident to participate in or lead their own Shabbat.

Wednesdays, 7-9 p.m., June 5, 12, 19, 26; July 10, and 17, plus Friday, July, 19
Back Bay
Facilitator: Danny Dubin
Tuition: $75

Queer Explorations in Jewish Texts and Traditions–FULL

What can we take from rabbinic discussions of non-binary sexes, gender, sex and marriage? Join Jamie Schwartz in the endeavor to construct a Jewish language of gender and sexuality. We will examine mitzvoth (commandments/”good deeds”); study texts including the Talmud and Midrash; engage with analyses and reflections by Jewish queer and trans thinkers; and imagine what this can all mean for gender and sexuality in our own Jewish lives.

Wednesdays, 7-9 p.m., July 10, 17, 24, 31; August 7, 14
Facilitator: Jamie Schwartz
Tuition: $75

Women and Judaism–FULL

Join us for this 6-part series, taught by Elisha Gechter, focused on all things Jewish and female. We’ll discuss topics from traditional women’s rituals (shabbat candels, baking challah) to ways women mark time, and even the taboo (sex, dress). Explore where the concepts come from, how practices have evolved and how we can interpret for our modern lives. The conversations will be text based and open. This class open to all genders, sexual orientations, in any relationship status, with any (or no) Jewish background.

Tuesdays and 1 Friday, 7-9 p.m., July 16, 23, 30; August 2, 6, 13
Facilitator: Elisha Gechter
Tuition: $75

Refund Policy
Those who withdraw from class before the first session will be given a full refund. A $35 administrative fee will be deducted from your refund if you choose to withdraw from the class after the first session.

What is Eser?
Eser is Hebrew for 10, a number with special significance in Judaism. Eser brings together individuals in their 20s and 30s for conversations in neighborhood living rooms to build connection and community.

If you have any trouble registering, please email us at