Residential Interreligious Learning and Leadership Fellowship
Sponsored by the Miller Center for Interreligious Learning & Leadership at Hebrew College and the Walker Center for Ecumenical Exchange in Auburndale, MA.
To cultivate interreligious leadership skills and develop religious literacy in and among graduate students living at the Walker Center
Basic Description
A residential interreligious learning and leadership fellow will facilitate a series of monthly (Sept through May) programs at the Walker Center focused on interreligious skills development, engaging local religious and civic leaders in interactive workshops with Walker Center residents. The Miller Center for Interreligious Learning & Leadership will assist in securing guests for the monthly programs and provide other logistical support, and the Walker Center will provide pedagogical support to the fellow. In addition to these more formal programs, the fellow will host one informal interreligious literacy-building event each month (Sept through May) including the facilitation of visits to member students’ religious communities and opportunities to experience a variety of religious programs and events.
Fellowship Logistics
The fellow will be responsible for cultivating community among graduate students and taking the lead on developing monthly programming in consultation with the co-executive director of the Walker Center and the associate director of the Miller Center. The co-executive director of the Walker Center will meet monthly with the fellow to cultivate pedagogical skills and meet bi-weekly with the associate director of the Miller Center for logistical and programmatic support. The fellow will also be provide programmatic and logistical support to two additional programs each at the Walker Center and Miller Center during the course of the academic year (dates and events to be determined in consultation with the Walker Center and Miller Center staffs).
Community Expectations
Graduate students at the Walker Center who choose to live in the intentional interreligious living-learning community will be asked to covenant to attend at least two formal events (out of nine) and two informal events (also out of nine) throughout the year.
Fellowship Duration
One year (August 1 to July 31). A fellow may request to renew the fellowship for the following academic year no later than March 15.
The Walker Center and the Miller Center will split the cost of the fellow’s rent at the Walker Center.