Humans of Hebrew College The Culling

By Wendy Linden

Bob Gielow


“I’m pretty sure I don’t deserve to be called a ‘writer,’ though I wish that I did. I started writing fiction late in life and on a bit of a lark. In 2010, my wife and daughter resolved to write a novel during Nanowrimo (National Novel Writing Month) and I didn’t want to be left out. I ended up being the only one of the three of us to finish my story, a cheesy mystery about a fictional Admission Counselor. Though I had been carefully crafting work emails for years, I experienced a thrill writing a fictional story that I had not anticipated. It turns out that I loved making stuff up! I also loved sharing the fruits of my creative labors with family and friends. I experienced a magical sense of accomplishment having created a piece of art, and then being brave enough to share it with the world. My one and only published piece of work is The Culling, fiction written in the format of a Wikipedia post, where I explore how mankind might react if we become the species being culled. I hope you enjoy reading it!” #HumansHC

(Bob Gielow, Director of Enrollment Management at Hebrew College)

Contact Bob to learn more about Hebrew College programs. 


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