Humans of Hebrew College Me’ah Grad & Challah Baker

By 829 Studios

Sheldon Kriegel ’05 Me'ah






“Never did I believe, during an intense working life, that one day I would find myself in this situation. I thought retirement meant sitting with my feet up, a newspaper or pulp novel in my lap, an occasional TV show or small job around the house on my agenda. But there I was in my eighties, sitting with my wife, Ruth, my daughter, Annette, and my son-in-law, Ravin, and some twenty-plus other students, attending Me’ah classes. I soon discovered that age discrepancies find a level playing field when in a classroom environment. Although it would take a lifetime to cover it all in depth, we did study Jewish history, rabbinics, liturgy, and contemporary Jewish life. There were good lectures and good discussions, with enough informality to allow for occasional good laughter. And now, here I am, in my nineties, with good memories, a bookshelf full of challenging Me’ah reading material, and a different concept of what retirement should be.” #HumansHC

(Sheldon Kriegel ’05 Me’ah graduate. Read the The Boston Globe story about Sheldon’s hidden talent: making weekly challah for his family

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