
NumbersFacing the Wilderness

Community Blog Give Me Hevruta or Give Me Death

“O Hevruta, O mituta, Give me Hevruta or give me death.” — Babylonian Talm...

Pluralistic Perspectives Heeding the Call to Protect the Land

I have a vivid memory from a Bible class from the late 1980’s in which we ...

Community Blog Pronouns and Progressivism: Nothing Is Easy

This month our Rising Voices Fellows reflect on their experiences of the fello...

Community Blog A Teen Blogger’s Reflections

This month our Rising Voices Fellows reflect on their experiences of the fello...

Rabbinical School Divrei Torah A 21st Century Hassidic Teaching on Shabbat Zachor

Remember what Amalek did to you as you were leaving Egypt…and when YHVH your G...

Rabbinical School Divrei Torah A 21st Century Hassidic Teaching on Shabbat Zachor

Remember what Amalek did to you as you were leaving Egypt…and when YHVH your G...