News Highlights New Hebrew College Interreligious Resource —The Book of Psalms: Calling Out From the Depths

By Hebrew College

The goal of this interreligious psalms project is not to collapse our distinct traditions, but to share resources thoughtfully in today’s complex and increasingly interconnected world. — Rabbi Or Rose

In September 2023, Hebrew College’s Miller Center for Interreligious Learning & Leadership  launched The Book of Psalms: Calling Out from the Depths website, a unique collection of contemporary interreligious reflections on the psalms, where clergy, scholars, poets, musicians, activists, and visual artists offer personal reflections on these ancient and time-honored texts in light of contemporary events and mores, building on the wisdom of the past. The website — which includes seven psalm units with new psalms being added weekly — provides a timely spiritual anthology that includes multimedia resources and new pathways into the biblical texts and stirring meditations on life.

“In turning to these ancient poetic works, modern readers join a diverse intergenerational chorus of Jewish, Christian, and other seekers who viewed these sources as a prism through which to explore their deepest thoughts and feelings, and to share them with God and their communities,”  said Rabbi Or Rose, Director of the Miller Center, who partnered with his colleague Dr. Andrew Davis, Associate Director of Old testament at Boston College School of Theology and Ministry.

The site is unique because it is intentionally interreligious. While it is true that for centuries Jews and Christians have turned to this collection for guidance and inspiration, there have been far fewer opportunities for members of these two communities and others to explore the sources together as fellow seekers. What do we share in common? Where do we differ? How might reading these texts through the lens of the “other” impact our understanding of life and our celebrations and struggles of what it means to be human?

The site includes:


This site grew out of a Boston Theological Interreligious Consortium (BTI) course, co-taught by Rose and Davis, that turned into a national “PsalmSeason”
project with Interfaith America. Thanks to inspiration and support from Rev. Paul Rauschenbush, former Vice President for Interfaith America, and The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB), we are proud to offer these spiritual resources for contemporary life.

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