News Highlights Hebrew College Miller Center Dedicates New Space

By Hebrew College

As we continue to unpack and settle into our new space on our shared campus, we paused and took a moment on Monday, January 16th for the Hebrew College Miller Center for Interreligious Learning & Leadership Dedication and mezuzah hanging. The afternoon featured music, remarks and blessings from the Miller Center’s own Rev. Tom Reid and Rabbi Or Rose, and, most importantly, great company.

miller-center-dedicationWhether you’re going through a time of threshold(s) or are still in the swing of routine, we want to encourage you to reserve a moment of your time to reflect on the things you have or would like to dedicate to the purposes of collaboration, justice, and dialogue. How does that look in your own life? (Pictured right: Board member Nancy Belsky, Miller Center staff member Marilyn Stern, and Miller Center Founder Dan Miller)

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