Sh’ma: Love and Listen

treePlease join Amy Grossblatt Pessah, rabbi, mom, educator, and author, as she shares some of the ways ancient Jewish prayer can offer timely wisdom for the modern parent. In this interactive session, we will focus on the words of the Sh’ma prayer and explore what messages and teachings can be extrapolated to help us become more mindful, present, open-hearted parents, no matter the age of our child.  Discover  how the Shema can bolster us to listen intensely and love deeply especially now, as we navigate what it means to be a parent in 2020.

Rabbi Amy will be sharing passages from her recent book, Parenting on a Prayer. Registrants will receive a discount on the purchase of the book. A discount code and Zoom link will be sent out ahead of the event.

Amy Grossblatt Pessah sitting on a beachAmy Grossblatt Pessah is a rabbi, author, spiritual director and mom. Serving various communities and demographics across the country, Amy has been a Jewish educator for over twenty-five years, with a specialization in Jewish Family Education. She is the author of the recent book, Parenting on a Prayer: Ancient Jewish Secrets for Raising Modern Children. Learn more at her websiteA Soulful Journey.