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News Highlights “Enhancing Spiritual Awareness and Development in Early Childhood Jewish Settings”

By Hebrew College
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Rabbi Michael ShireRabbi Michael Shire, director of Hebrew College’s Master in Jewish Education program, is among the international authors who contributed to the forthcoming January 2023 anthology Early Childhood Jewish Education: Multicultural, Gender, and Constructivist Perspectives. Rabbi Shire co-wrote “Enhancing Spiritual Awareness and Development in Early Childhood Jewish Settings” (Chapter 11) with Deborah Schein (Champlain College, USA).

The book explores some of the fundamental questions of early childhood Jewish education in today’s societal, moral, and educational debates. Researchers from Israel and the United States consider some of the core Jewish foundational subjects, including teaching the Bible, holidays and ceremonies, Hebrew, Jewish literature, and spirituality, as well as leadership issues in relation to these contemporary debates. The book represents the ongoing collaboration of leading researchers from Israel and the United States who have worked together since 2010 as the International Research Group on Jewish Education in the Early Years.


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