Seventy Faces of Torah

Pluralistic Perspectives Learning to Live with Loss

In its March 26, 2013, obituary of Rabbi Herschel Schacter, The New York Times r...

Pluralistic Perspectives Jewish Memory Week: A Tale in Three Parts

The memory of the Holocaust today is vulnerable. Between the Diaspora and Israel...

Leviticus Situating God: Revisiting Vayikra

Opening the new biblical book Vayikra, Leviticus, likewise opens a new chapter i...

Pluralistic Perspectives Blending Torah and Activism

I am a scholar and teacher, having devoted much of my life to shaping a Judaism ...

Pluralistic Perspectives Four Levels of Societal Transformation

I recently had to report for jury duty. I had been summoned for jury service bef...

Pluralistic Perspectives “Thou Shalt Donate to Overhead Costs”: The Biblical Commandment of Keeping The Lights On

This summer the usually sleepy world of nonprofit organization talk was rocked b...