Seventy Faces of Torah

Community Blog Why Is This Rosh Hashana Different? (Nitzavim/Vayelekh, Deut. 29:9-31:30)

The new Jewish year, 5775, which starts next Wednesday night, is not like most o...

Pluralistic Perspectives On the Just Use of Force by Our Police

The tragic death of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Mo., has focused the nation’...

Pluralistic Perspectives Where Hope Takes Root

“Unhappy. Storm-crossed. Uncomforted.” Are you talking to me? Perhaps the pr...

Pluralistic Perspectives Divine-Human Partnership

It’s hard to know which should make us more afraid: the notion that the human ...

Pluralistic Perspectives Beyond Tragedy and Despair: Emerging from Tisha b’Av

Death. Destruction. Suffering. Pain. Hate speech. Loss of moral footing. These w...

Pluralistic Perspectives Don’t Weaponize Your Words

Far from the fighting in Israel and Gaza, Syria and Ukraine, the peanut gallery ...