Seventy Faces of Torah

Seventy Faces of Torah The Morning After

Last week, as we marked the holiday of Shavuot, many of us in the wee hours betw...

Seventy Faces of Torah Sound and Silence

Shavuot, the holiday that celebrates the gift of Torah, begins on Saturday night...

Leviticus A Priesthood of the Imperfect

Parshat Emor begins with a discussion of taboos around priestly purity, forbiddi...

Seventy Faces of Torah Walking Through Cloud

The beginning of this week’s double Torah portion opens with a warning to Aaro...

Passover Getting Unstuck

For the second Shabbat of Passover. There have been many times in my life when I...

Exodus Behold, the Table is Set

The publication of the Venice Haggadah of 1609 was a grand event. One of the fir...