
Numbers Shlach Lecha/Not a Sound

(Parshat Sh’lach  (Numbers, 13:1-15:41) And all the children of Israel mu...


Numbers Divine Presence is a Cloud that is Fire

Parshat Beha’alotecha (Numbers 8:1-12:16) “Mai shamayim, what are the heaven...

Rabbi Daniel Klein

Numbers Finding our Way Inside: The Priestly Blessing as a Model for Jewish Practice

Parshat Naso (Numbers, 4:21-7:89) In his book Lost Connections, Johann Hari sha...

Numbers In the Wilderness and the Wilderness Within

Parashat Bamidbar (Numbers 1:1-4:20) Four books into the Torah and here we find ...

Rabbi Avi Killip (2021)

Numbers How Pure Does the Coalition Have to Be?

Parshat Mattot/Massei (Numbers 30:2- 32:42) How pure does the coalition have to ...

Rabbi Avi Killip

Numbers How Pure Does the Coalition Have to Be?

Parshat Mattot/Massei (Numbers 30:2- 32:42) How pure does the coalition have to ...