Rabbi Sharon Cohen Anisfeld

Rabbi Sharon-Cohen-Anisfeld

Community Blog Speaking Torah: Our deepest service in this world flows from the awareness of, and attention to, what we lack and how we love

Every individual is a small world unto himself… No person has ever been identi...

Pluralistic Perspectives Speaking Torah: We do not make the journey to Sinai alone

Next week, Jewish communities around the world will gather to celebrate the holi...

Rabbi Sharon Cohen Anisfeld

Pluralistic Perspectives Speaking Torah: We do not make the journey to Sinai alone

Next week, Jewish communities around the world will gather to celebrate the holi...

Rabbi Sharon Cohen Anisfeld 70 Faces of Torah banner

Community Blog Speaking Torah: “We are all broken vessels, infinitely precious in the eyes of God”

A midrash from Vayikra Rabbah on this week’s Torah portion, Parashat Emor, tea...

Rabbi Sharon Cohen Anisfeld

Community Blog Speaking Torah: “As we count each day and bless the counting, may we be reminded to count our blessings”

Every day, from the second night of Passover to the festival of Shavuot, we lite...

Pluralistic Perspectives Speaking Torah: “Questions unite people, answers divide them” (Elie Wiesel)

Dear friends, “The essential questions have no answers. You are my questio...