
man blowing shofar at sunrise

Community Blog Forbidden Fruit, Rosh HaShanah, and Our Climate Crisis

According to Hasidic traditions, the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, from th...

Rabbi Brian Besser

Community Blog Our Response to Climate Change: A Word for Neilah

The Rabbis fixed the Book of Jonah as the last scriptural reading for the High H...

Rabbi Becky SIlverstein - 70 Faces logo

Deuteronomy We Rise and We Crash: Prayer and Resistance

Parashat Va-etchanen (Deuteronomy 3:23-7:11) “There’s an active mass shootin...

Rabbi Or Rose

Deuteronomy Small Acts of Kindness

 Tisha b’Av  On a warm and clear evening late last month, my son and I decid...

Hong Kong city scene

Community Blog Shavuot in Hong Kong

On the morning of Sunday, June 9, as his family and friends were in the midst of...

Rabbi Daniel Klein

Leviticus Commemorating and Participating in Shavuot

Parashat Bechukotai (Leviticus 26:3-27:34) From its earliest understanding, the ...