Pluralistic Perspectives

Pluralistic Perspectives Day 3: People and Impressions of Jerusalem

Today was a day to explore Jerusalem and its people. We began this beautiful day...

Pluralistic Perspectives Day 2: Beginnings

Every person, every place, every idea has a beginning. In the field of early edu...

Pluralistic Perspectives Day 1: Food Glorious Food

After traveling 24 hours we have finally arrived at the Metropolitan Hotel in Te...

Pluralistic Perspectives Day 1: Food Glorious Food

After traveling 24 hours we have finally arrived at the Metropolitan Hotel in Te...

Pluralistic Perspectives “Thou Shalt Donate to Overhead Costs”: The Biblical Commandment of Keeping The Lights On

This summer the usually sleepy world of nonprofit organization talk was rocked b...

Pluralistic Perspectives “Thou Shalt Donate to Overhead Costs”: The Biblical Commandment of Keeping The Lights On

This summer the usually sleepy world of nonprofit organization talk was rocked b...