Pluralistic Perspectives

Pluralistic Perspectives The Numbers of Those Who Wandered in the Wilderness

This week we begin reading the fourth book of the Torah, known in English as the...

Community Blog Give Me Hevruta or Give Me Death

“O Hevruta, O mituta, Give me Hevruta or give me death.” — Babylonian Talm...

Pluralistic Perspectives Heeding the Call to Protect the Land

I have a vivid memory from a Bible class from the late 1980’s in which we ...

Community Blog Beyond “Auschwitz or Sinai”

Last Wednesday, April 30, we were privileged to host a lecture by Yehuda Kurtzer...

Leviticus Leviticus: Keeping Holiness Simple

For centuries, formal Jewish study began not with Genesis, the first book of the...

Rabbi Sharon Cohen Anisfeld

Genesis Blessing Our Counting

In Jewish sacred time, this is the season of counting. Every day, from the secon...