Hebrew College will be closed July 4-5 for Independence Day.

Pluralistic Perspectives

Sharon Cohen Anisfeld

Community Blog “In the deserts of the heart, let the healing fountain start.”

Toward the end of this week’s parasha, the Israelites come to a place called ...

Numbers Shlach Lecha/Not a Sound

(Parshat Sh’lach  (Numbers, 13:1-15:41) And all the children of Israel mu...


Community Blog Speaking Torah: What Does Courage Look Like?

Who is rich? The one who rejoices in his portion. (Pirke Avot) In the midst of t...

Community Blog Prozdor Celebrates 87th Graduation

On Sunday, May 6th, Prozdor of Hebrew College celebrated its 87th graduation. Th...

Community Blog Speaking Torah: Hesed is at the heart of our work as educators, cantors, and as rabbis

This week, I had the privilege of attending the Jewish Education Innovation Chal...

Community Blog Feelings and Thoughts

There’s probably nothing more important to parents than our kids’ well-being...