Pluralistic Perspectives

Pictured (L-R): Rabbi Or Rose, Dr. Homayra Ziad, Dr. Colette Coleman Rev. Rob Schenck, Dr. Celene Ibrahim at GWU Freshman Orientation

Pluralistic Perspectives Hebrew College’s Miller Center Supports Communities Through Difficult Times

Rabbi Neal Rose and HC Student Rafi Ellenson

Beacons of Hope: Our Interreligious S/Heroes Beacons of Hope: Our Interreligious S/Heroes – Rafi Ellenson and Rabbi Neal Rose

Netanel Miles-Yépez, July/August Beacon of Hope

Beacons of Hope: Our Interreligious S/Heroes Beacons of Hope: Our Interreligious S/Heroes – Netanel Miles-Yépez

Featured speakers at the June 24 event

Pluralistic Perspectives Exploring Pluralism in Divided Times: A National Virtual Retreat for Religious Leaders

illustration of musical notes with hands

Jewish learningTefillah Groups Are Like Jazz”: Hebrew College’s Distinguishing Approach to Rabbinical Formation

Pluralistic Perspectives Interreligious Engagement Takes Off at NASA