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Pluralistic Perspectives

Netanel Miles-Yépez, July/August Beacon of Hope

Beacons of Hope: Our Interreligious S/Heroes Beacons of Hope: Our Interreligious S/Heroes – Netanel Miles-Yépez

Featured speakers at the June 24 event

Pluralistic Perspectives Exploring Pluralism in Divided Times: A National Virtual Retreat for Religious Leaders

illustration of musical notes with hands

Jewish learningTefillah Groups Are Like Jazz”: Hebrew College’s Distinguishing Approach to Rabbinical Formation

Pluralistic Perspectives Interreligious Engagement Takes Off at NASA

Interreligious (S)Heroes Rabbi Jessica Lowenthal and Rabbi Getzel Davis

Alumni Beacons of Hope: Our Interreligious S/Heroes – Rabbi Getzel Davis and Rabbi Jessica Lowenthal

Dr. Celene Ibrahim, Beacon of Hope

Beacons of Hope: Our Interreligious S/Heroes Beacons of Hope: Our Interreligious S/Heroes – Dr. Celene Ibrahim