Hebrew College will be closed July 4-5 for Independence Day.

Community Blog

Community Blog Heschel’s Vision of the Sabbath: A Contemporary Challenge

In preparing for the launch of Heart-to-Heart, a new program of Hebrew College&...

Community Blog Are we Off Topic?

Five sets of parents sat around the stylish South End living room, all very comf...

Community Blog A Kosher State of Mind…

What is it with Jewish holidays and food?  We each have our seasonal favorites....

Community Blog The Sacred Work of Interreligious Learning and Leadership

I was recently elected board chair of the Boston Theological Institute (BTI),...

Community Blog Interfaith Families Jewish Engagement

Keren McGinity, Ph.D., director of the new  Interfaith Families Jewish Engagem...

Community Blog Chores for Shabbat

This fall, my husband and I participated in Parenting Through a Jewish Lens (PT...