Hebrew College will be closed July 4-5 for Independence Day.

Community Blog

Community Blog Speaking Torah: Hesed is at the heart of our work as educators, cantors, and as rabbis

This week, I had the privilege of attending the Jewish Education Innovation Chal...

Community Blog PTJL’s First “Grandparenting Through a Jewish Lens” course

This spring, PTJL launched its first ever “Grandparenting Through a Jewish...

Community Blog Feelings and Thoughts

There’s probably nothing more important to parents than our kids’ well-being...

Community Blog A Vote for Jewish Parenting from a Humanist Dad

Parenting is such a rich, beautiful, and convoluted experience. There’s nothin...

Hebrew College President Sharon-Cohen-Anisfeld

Community Blog Speaking Torah: We who are the gardeners are also the garden

This season of the Omer, when we literally count the days from Passover to Shavu...

teacher sitting in a chair

Community Blog Speaking Torah: Our Children Are Leading the Way

Last Shabbat, in cities across the United States, hundreds and hundreds of thous...