
AlumniWhat Torah can I teach right now?

Exodus Turn It Over to God

Genesis I Dreamed a Dream

Parshat Vayeishev (Genesis 37:1-40:23) We have dreamed a dream and there is no o...

Leviticus A New Torah Will Go Forth or, How To Sit With All Of Our Unanswered Questions

First Day of Pesach How do you shecht a Leviathan?  Just like us, the rabbis w...

Exodus The Promise of Exile

Parshat Va’era (Exodus 6:2-9:35) The year I spent living and traveling in New ...

Genesis Where Is God in the Flood?

Parshat Noach (Genesis 6:9-11:32) In the beginning, there was nothing. When God ...

Numbers A Web of Family and Friends

Parshat B’midbar, Numbers 1:1-4:20 For many years, I’ve felt like a person w...