
LeviticusWhat is Ours to Do?
The “Humble” Aleph of Leviticus 1:1

Holidays Examining Our “Glory-Flaw”:
A Brief Exercise for Sefirat Ha-Omer  

One of the joys of my work as a rabbi has been the opportunity to serve as the v...

Numbers Look Inward: Learning from Korach’s Downfall

Parshat Korach (Numbers 16:1-18:32) In this week’s Torah portion, Korah (after...

Community Blog “One Thing I Ask of YHWH: Humility and the Spirituality of Speech”

This reflection is an excerpt from the Hebrew College High Holiday Companion, pu...

Community Blog Heschel’s Vision of the Sabbath: A Contemporary Challenge

In preparing for the launch of Heart-to-Heart, a new program of Hebrew College&...

Community Blog Heschel’s Vision of the Sabbath: A Contemporary Challenge

Recently, I reread many selections from Abraham Joshua Heschel’s classic text,...

Community Blog A Hanukkah Passion Project

In the spring of 2015, Andy Goldfarb, a local venture capitalist and entrepreneu...