
News HighlightsRabbi Grey Myrseth`17 & GatherBay featured in EJewish Philanthropy

Genesis Remembering the Sacredness of Speech

Parshat Vayigash, Genesis 44:18-47:27 Our parashah is in many ways the peak of...

Genesis Bread and Water: Keeping Our Hearts Open

Parshat Toldot, Genesis 25:19-28:9 Key moments in the book of Genesis often take...

Community Blog Counting down… and making way for enlivening

Even if you pay only scant attention, it’s hard to avoid the countdown to Elec...

Community Blog Twenty Years of Me’ah: Student Reflections

On the 20th anniversary of Me’ah, we asked participants representing each ...

Community Blog Jewish Early Engagement Forum (JEEF): A Conversation with Founder Rachel Raz, MJEd’06

Why did you create JEEF? Raz: I founded JEEF for the betterment of the future o...

Numbers The Forgetful Sands of the Wilderness

Parshat B’midbar, Numbers 1:1-4:20 The biblical book of Numbers continues the ...