Hebrew College will be closed on Monday, Jan. 20 in observance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day.

Community Blog An Introduction to Leadership, Learning, and Love: Let Us Sing a New Song!

By Rabbi Sharon Cohen Anisfeld
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Hebrew College President Sharon-Cohen-AnisfeldThe following is the text of Hebrew College President Sharon Cohen Anisfeld’s introduction to Hebrew College’s spring series on “Leadership, Learning, and Love.” This message was sent to Hebrew College students, faculty, alumni, and friends on April 7, 2020.

Hi everyone. I’m Rabbi Sharon Cohen Anisfeld, President of Hebrew College, and I’m so pleased to share with you this first installment in our spring series on Leadership, Learning, and Love.

When it became clear to use that we would not be able to gather in person this year for our spring event on the evening of April 29th, we immediately began thinking about how we could still connect with all of you. How we could share something virtually that would still highlight and literally bring home to you our theme of leadership, learning, and love. A theme that we chose several months ago because we feel it speaks to the heart of our work at Hebrew College. But a theme that has also taken on added meaning, significance and relevance for us in this challenging time.

I want to invite you to continue to hold the evening of Arpril 29th from 8:00-8:30 p.m. for a brief and very special program celebrating our honoree this year, Rabbi Rim Meirowitz—who is himself a living, breathing embodiment of leadership, of learning and of love. We so hope you’ll be able to join us.

This first installment in our spring series is coming to you, of course, just before Pesach, and we wanted to share with you, in this time, the gift of music. Some music from our students, our faculty, our alumni, and also some brief reflections on the power of song and the place of song in our journey from slavery to freedom. In our journey from despair to hope.

We send this to you with all our very best wishes to you and to your loved ones for a safe, healthy, and happy Passover holiday. Chag sameach from all of us at Hebrew College.

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