Conflict, Conversation & Community

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Conflict, Conversation & Community

Program: Hebrew College Tamid
Instructor: Rabbi Natan Margalit (Read Bio)
Dates: 5 Thursdays, Fall 2024: 11/7, 11/14, 11/21, 12/5 & 12/12
Time: 7-9:00 p.m. ET
Course fee: $250, financial aid is available
Location: Zoom
Hosted by: Hebrew College and Co-Sponsored by the North Shore Clergy Group
Registration:  Click here

How do we find ways to disagree and yet remain friends, or at least civil enough to co-exist in the same society? When does speech go over the line and become unacceptable, and when do we embrace differences of opinion? These are central and vital questions in the current political and social climate. Jewish tradition has much to say about argument, oppression with words, and inclusion verses exclusion from communities. In this course we’ll explore Jewish sources, from biblical to Talmudic to Hasidic, and contemporary writers and thinkers, including Parker Palmer, Rabbi Jonathan Sacks, Michael Pollen and more.

For additional information and questions, contact the Hebrew College Tamid Team