Humans of Hebrew College Cantor Idan Irelander

By 829 Studios
Cantor Idan Irelander

“I had in mind a couple of years ago to have a Friday night service at my temple with the experience of a Sephardic Shabbat. We were seven musicians on the stage in a synagogue on a Friday night—Jews, Muslims and Christians from different parts of the world—some of them are the biggest enemies of Israel. We performed traditional Jewish music that came from the Arab countries together. I never had any relationship before with Palestinian musicians. Not only did they want to do that, but they were actually excited because they’ve never been in a synagogue before. We speak a language of peace and across borders we have no hatred. We just love making music together.” #HumansHC

Cantor Idan Irelander, Hazzan Temple Emanuel of Andover, Mass. (The School of Jewish Music at Hebrew College alumnus)


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