Making Sense of Input: Developing Listening and Reading Comprehension Skills
Instructor: Dr. Carmit Burstyn
Dates: 1/21/25 – 2/25/25
Time: 8pm-9:30pm EST
Cost: $360/Prizmah or HATC School Network; $400/Outside Prizmah School Network
Location: Zoom
Description: What texts and genres are suitable for teaching different proficiency levels and ages? What is the difference between an authentic, semi-authentic, adapted, and artificial text? How to design a lesson around reading or listening comprehension – what will the students do prior to meeting the text? What strategies will they employ to understand it? What will happen after the reading or listening activity? Reading and listening comprehension are complicated tasks that involve linguistic, cognitive and meta-cognitive processes. Cultivating independent readers and listeners is the responsibility of the teachers, and it is on us to utilize the necessary techniques to facilitate text understanding as well as to teach our students a variety of strategies they can adopt and use independently. In this introductory course, we will gain research-based theoretical and practical knowledge on how to teach reading and listening comprehension of a variety of texts and genres, to a variety of student ages and Hebrew proficiency levels. By the end of this course, you will be able to exercise criteria in choosing suitable texts as well as to identify and implement a variety of strategies before, during, and after a reading and listening comprehension activity.