White Christian Nationalism & the Presidential Election

American flag and coin

White Christian Nationalism & the Presidential Election

Program: Hebrew College Tamid
Instructor: Rabbi Or Rose and Reverend Dr. Rob Schenck  (Read Bios)
Dates: 3 Thursdays, Fall 2024: 9/12, 9/19 & 9/26
Time: 7-8:30 p.m. ET
Course fee: $150, financial aid is available
Location: Zoom
Hosted by: Hebrew College
Registration:  Click here

What is the relationship between religion, race, and democracy within conservative Christian circles in the United States? What is the history of these ideologies and alliances? To what extent is white Christian nationalism a danger to our country—particularly in this election cycle? What role can members of different religious and cultural communities play in countering this form of bigotry and work with Christians to promote the rights and freedoms of all Americans?

For additional information and questions, contact the Hebrew College Tamid Team