Mussar for a Meaningful Life

green hills and road

Mussar for a Meaningful Life

Program: Hebrew College Tamid
Instructor: Laila Goodman (Read Bio)
Dates: 8 Sundays, Fall 2024: 9/22, 10/20, 11/17, 12/15, 1/26, 2/23, 3/23 & 4/20
Time:  10-11:30 a.m. ET
Course fee: $320, financial aid is available
Location: Zoom
Hosted by: Hebrew College
Registration:  Click here

The course will focus on learning Mussar texts to guide students to work on incorporating ethical principles in small everyday actions. Each class will focus on one middah, a character trait (e.g.-patience, respect, gratitude.) Students will share their practice, which will allow others to be inspired by their successes and gain a more compassionate perspective on common challenges. The class will accommodate new and returning students, with a mixture of new middot and revisiting previously studied texts for new insights. The class is based in Jewish texts and Jewish practice and the work is done through self-reflection and setting small goals. It provides a structure and opportunity to do the inner work of exploring and discovering each student’s moral fabric. Students will have a chance to discuss in small groups, and havruta pairs, the character traits that come naturally and character traits to work on to be their most holy, best self. This is a course that touches on heart and head.

For additional information and questions, contact the Hebrew College Tamid Team