Bioethics Through a Jewish Lens
Program: Hebrew College Tamid
Instructor: Carolyn Ringel, J.D., M.B.E. (Read Bio)
Dates: 4 Sundays, Fall 2024: 9/29, 10/6, 10/13 & 10/20
Time: 7-8:30 p.m. ET
Course fee: $160, financial aid is available
Location: Zoom
Hosted by: Hebrew College
Registration: Click here
Designer babies? Artificial wombs? Psychedelic therapy? This is not just the stuff of science fiction; these topics were all pulled from current news headlines. In this four-week class, we will wrestle with issues in reproductive ethics, mental illness and addiction, end of life decisions and other “hot topics” in bioethics from our own personal moral code, and look at what Judaism has to say on these topics.
For additional information and questions, contact the Hebrew College Tamid Team